What are the eligibility requirements?

All CenterPoint Energy Electric Residential customers with an active account, qualify to receive incentives. Each item has its own participation requirements, so check for specific details on the product pages.


Why does CenterPoint Energy offer discounts on energy saving products to customers?

CenterPoint Energy provides discounts on energy-efficient products and services to help their customers save energy and live comfortably. Discounts are offered through two options:

  1. Retail Coupon via a coupon code to use at specific retailers
  2. Discounted products are available for purchase in the portal, called Buy Now


How do I obtain a discount for each of the two options noted above?

  1. Visit centerpointenergytx.clearesult.com
  2. Browse and select the category and the product of choice. When you find a product of interest, create an account, by navigating to the upper right of the website.
  3. Follow the instructions per product


What information is needed to create an account on the portal?

To set up a portal account the following information is required:

  • Primary Account Holder First Name
  • Primary Account Holder Last Name
  • Account holder's email address
  • Account holder's phone number
  • Account address

You will also be asked to respond to a captcha, as well as read and acknowledge the End User License Agreement.


What categories and items are available for a discount?

  • Advanced Power Strips (Limit 2 per ESID every 10 years)
  • Air Quality – various Air Purifiers (Limit 2 per ESID every 9 years, must be ENERGY STAR®)
  • Thermostats (Limit 2 per ESID every 11 years)
  • Lighting – various LED bulbs (Limit 75 per ESID every year)
  • Night Lights (Limit 8 per ESID every 8 years)
  • Water Savings – Pipe Insulation (Limit 1 package per ESID every 13 years)


How do I navigate to the Buy Now-qualified products? 

On the portal choose the products which have “Buy Now” box and click on “View discount” button. You will walk through some questions to confirm if you are eligible to purchase the product in the Buy Now Marketplace. 


What are the shipping costs for Buy Now purchases?   

Shipping costs are calculated and displayed at the time of checkout.    


How long will it take for my Buy Now purchases to arrive?   

Typically Buy Now purchases are shipped within 24-48 hours of when the order is placed on the portal. Most shipments arrive 5 to 7 days after they are shipped.  


What is the Return Policy for Marketplace purchases?  

All sales are final.   


Do you store my credit card information?  

No. All credit card and payment information is processed through the secure payment processing software Stripe. Credit card information is not stored or visible to our customer service representatives.   


How do I navigate to the in-store coupon for qualified products?  

On the portal choose the products which have “Retailer Coupon” box and click on “View discount” button. You will walk through some questions to confirm if you are eligible to receive a coupon for the item.    


Do I need to pick the retailer for the in-store coupon?  

Yes, when you are submitting a request in the portal for an in-store coupon you will be asked to choose the retailer and, in some cases, choose an in-store or an online coupon.  


What do I do if I want to change the retailer for the in-store coupon?   

The selection of your retailer is final. The coupons generated by the portal are single use coupons which are specific to the retailer you selected. They cannot be cancelled or changed.  


How do I receive my in-store coupon?  

An email is generated which provides you with the coupon(s) chosen, in each order. The coupon includes a bar code which can be scanned by the retailer as well as a numeric code which the retailer can enter, if needed.    


When do my in-store coupons expire?  

The coupons generated this year will expire on December 31st.   


Who is CLEAResult?  

CenterPoint Energy partners with CLEAResult to facilitate discounts on the portal for Residential accounts. CLEAResult is the single largest provider of energy efficiency solutions in North America. 


Contact Us


What if I have more questions?  

For additional information please reach out to our team at [email protected] or  866-688-2323. Customer Service team members are available Monday through Friday from 8 AM to 5 PM Central.